NSW Governement - Procurement Enquiry Findings
2024 ended on a high note for our local social enterprise sector when the NSW Government's response to the final report from the parliamentary inquiry into procurement practices came back with lots of support for:
Buying from social enterprises
Setting and measuring against social and environmental targets
And much more…
Sustainability collaborations and Australian competition law
The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) has released some guidance about sustainability collaborations and Australian competition law.
Australian Government report: Not-for-Profit Sector Blueprint
The Australian Government convened an expert panel to give guidance on how the not-for-profit sector needed to evolve and be supported over the next 10 years

Banking the benefits: Better aligning budget process rules with Measuring What Matters
The Centre for Policy Development have released a paper on 'Banking the benefits: Better aligning budget process rules with Measuring What Matters' which details how the federal Budget Process Operational Rules can be reformed to incentivise long-term, holistic policymaking that prioritises wellbeing.
Global Report: The State of Social Enterprise
The State of the Sector report is from the Global Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship. It gives a global analysis of social entrepreneurship. This report explores trends, challenges, and opportunities in the global sector.
Inquiry into the procurement practices of government agencies in NSW
SECNA lodges submission to the inquiry into the procurement practices of government agencies in NSW

Australian Government report: Rebuilding Employment Services
A major inquiry into employment services in Australia has recommended the system be completely rebuilt, with social enterprise as part of the solution.

Working Future: The Australian Government’s White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities
The Australian government’s roadmap includes commitments to strengthening social enterprise in Australia.

Social Enterprise Development Initiative
Social Enterprise Australia has been working with the federal government on the Social Enterprise Development Initiative and we are excited to share that the opportunity for the social enterprise sector to have our say is here.

Social Impact in the Regions conference
SECNA CEO Kylie Flament will be on of the speakers at the inaugural Social Impact in the Regions conference in Coffs Harbour from 6-8 September.

United Nations General Assembly call for all nations to support social enterprise
The United Nations General Assembly has made a historic resolution to support the social and solidarity economy.

Social Enterprise Festival 2023 EOI’s open
Want to be involved in the social enterprise festival we’re planning for May 2023? Put in an expression of interest as a sponsor, stallholder, food vendor, musician/entertainer, workshop facilitator, organiser and more.

Social enterprise incubators and accelerators
There are some incredible opportunities to build and grow your social enterprise across NSW and ACT at the moment. Here are just a few.

Welcome to our new CEO, Kylie Flament!
“It is absolutely time that we start recognising that businesses are great tools for getting things done but that the measure of success is not how much money one organisation or person can keep for themselves, but how much they can do for the world”, Kylie says.

Free certification with Social Traders
Social Traders are providing free certification and recognition membership for SECNA members who are certifying for the first time!
As the social enterprise movement grows across Australia, we encourage you take this opportunity to get independent verification and recognition as a social enterprise.

Social Enterprise National Strategy: What’s Next
Building on conversations with and around the social enterprise sector, the Yunus Centre mapped a possible path forward to an Australian social enterprise strategy. Based on this, the Social Enterprise National Strategy (SENS) team is working on five things in the lead up to the Social Enterprise World Forum in Brisbane in September 2022.

Social Enterprise Funding to Support Refugee Employment
Off the back of huge advocacy efforts, the Federal Government has announced trailblazing funding to support refugee employment. It is a $24.6 million four-year grant program with the Department of Home Affairs. This funding will be available to social enterprises to create opportunities for employment for refugee and humanitarian entrants. It will help the sector to maximise the critical role we all know it can play. It will show how government and social enterprise can together unlock greater economic inclusion.

Introducing the WISE Hub
In August this year, a collaboration about work integration social enterprises (WISEs) formally kicked off. It's called the WISE Hub. Its purpose is to strengthen the enabling environment for the WISE sector so that it can grow and unlock greater economic inclusion.
Jo Barraket, Cindy Mitchell, Luke Terry, Sally McGeoch, Cindy Carpenter and Jess Moore - all working toward this purpose already - came together to form the WISE Hub Committee. SECNA is providing backbone support.